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2022-12-22 06:57:51 +00:00
// ----- setup ----- //
var illoElem = document.querySelector('.illo');
var sceneSize = 96;
var TAU = Zdog.TAU;
var ROOT3 = Math.sqrt(3);
var ROOT5 = Math.sqrt(5);
var PHI = ( 1 + ROOT5 ) / 2;
var isSpinning = true;
var viewRotation = new Zdog.Vector();
var displaySize;
// colors
var eggplant = '#636';
var garnet = '#C25';
var orange = '#E62';
var gold = '#EA0';
var yellow = '#ED0';
var illo = new Zdog.Illustration({
element: illoElem,
scale: 8,
resize: 'fullscreen',
onResize: function( width, height ) {
displaySize = Math.min( width, height );
this.zoom = Math.floor( displaySize / sceneSize );
var solids = [];
// ----- hourglass ----- //
( function() {
var hourglass = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: illo,
translate: { x: 0, y: -4 },
solids.push( hourglass );
var hemi = new Zdog.Hemisphere({
diameter: 2,
translate: { z: -1 },
addTo: hourglass,
color: garnet,
backface: orange,
stroke: false,
translate: { z: 1 },
rotate: { y: TAU/2 },
color: eggplant,
backface: gold,
// ----- sphere ----- //
( function() {
var sphere = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: illo,
translate: { x: -4, y: -4 },
solids.push( sphere );
var hemi = new Zdog.Hemisphere({
diameter: 2,
addTo: sphere,
color: orange,
backface: eggplant,
stroke: false,
rotate: { y: TAU/2 },
color: eggplant,
backface: orange,
// ----- cylinder ----- //
var cylinder = new Zdog.Cylinder({
diameter: 2,
length: 2,
addTo: illo,
translate: { x: 4, y: -4 },
// rotate: { x: TAU/4 },
color: gold,
backface: garnet,
stroke: false,
solids.push( cylinder );
// ----- cone ----- //
var cone = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: illo,
translate: { x: -4, y: 0 },
solids.push( cone );
new Zdog.Cone({
diameter: 2,
length: 2,
addTo: cone,
translate: { z: 1 },
rotate: { y: TAU/2 },
color: garnet,
backface: gold,
stroke: false,
// ----- tetrahedron ----- //
( function() {
var tetrahedron = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: illo,
translate: { x: 0, y: 0 },
scale: 2.5,
var radius = 0.5;
var inradius = Math.cos( TAU/6 ) * radius;
var height = radius + inradius;
solids.push( tetrahedron );
var triangle = new Zdog.Polygon({
sides: 3,
radius: radius,
addTo: tetrahedron,
translate: { y: height/2 },
fill: true,
stroke: false,
color: eggplant,
// backface: false,
for ( var i=0; i < 3; i++ ) {
var rotor1 = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: tetrahedron,
rotate: { y: TAU/3 * -i },
var rotor2 = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: rotor1,
translate: { z: inradius, y: height/2 },
rotate: { x: Math.acos(1/3) * -1 + TAU/4 },
addTo: rotor2,
translate: { y: -inradius },
color: [ gold, garnet, orange ][i],
triangle.rotate.set({ x: -TAU/4, z: -TAU/2 });
// ----- octahedron ----- //
( function() {
var octahedron = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: newcanvas,
translate: { x: -4, y: 4 },
scale: 1.75,
var colorWheel = [ eggplant, garnet, orange, gold, yellow ];
// radius of triangle with side length = 1
var radius = ROOT3/2 * 2/3;
var height = radius * 3/2;
var tilt = Math.asin( 0.5 / height );
[ -1, 1 ].forEach( function( ySide ) {
for ( var i=0; i < 4; i++ ) {
var rotor = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: octahedron,
rotate: { y: TAU/4 * (i + 1.5) * -1 },
var anchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: rotor,
translate: { z: 0.5 },
rotate: { x: tilt * ySide },
// scale: { y: -ySide },
new Zdog.Polygon({
sides: 3,
radius: radius,
addTo: anchor,
translate: { y: -radius/2 * ySide },
scale: { y: ySide },
stroke: false,
fill: true,
color: colorWheel[ i + 0.5 + 0.5*ySide ],
backface: false,
// ----- cube ----- //
var cube = new Zdog.Box({
addTo: illo,
width: 2,
height: 2,
depth: 2,
translate: { x: 4, y: 0 },
topFace: yellow,
frontFace: gold,
leftFace: orange,
rightFace: orange,
rearFace: garnet,
bottomFace: eggplant,
stroke: false,
solids.push( cube );
// ----- dodecahedron ----- //
( function() {
var dodecahedron = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: illo,
translate: { x: 0, y: 4 },
scale: 0.75,
solids.push( dodecahedron );
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Regular_dodecahedron#Dimensions
var midradius = ( PHI * PHI ) / 2;
// top & bottom faces
var face = new Zdog.Polygon({
sides: 5,
radius: 1,
addTo: dodecahedron,
translate: { y: -midradius },
rotate: { x: TAU/4 },
fill: true,
stroke: false,
color: yellow,
// backface: false,
translate: { y: midradius },
rotate: { x: -TAU/4 },
color: eggplant,
[ -1, 1 ].forEach( function( ySide ) {
var colorWheel = {
'-1': [ eggplant, garnet, gold, orange, garnet ],
1: [ yellow, gold, garnet, orange, gold ],
}[ ySide ];
for ( var i=0; i < 5; i++ ) {
var rotor1 = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: dodecahedron,
rotate: { y: TAU/5 * (i) },
var rotor2 = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: rotor1,
rotate: { x: TAU/4*ySide - Math.atan(2) },
addTo: rotor2,
translate: { z: midradius },
rotate: { z: TAU/2 },
color: colorWheel[i],
// ----- isocahedron ----- //
( function() {
var isocahedron = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: illo,
translate: { x: 4, y: 4 },
scale: 1.2,
solids.push( isocahedron );
// geometry
// radius of triangle with side length = 1
var faceRadius = ROOT3/2 * 2/3;
var faceHeight = faceRadius * 3/2;
var capApothem = 0.5 / Math.tan( TAU/10 );
var capRadius = 0.5 / Math.sin( TAU/10 );
var capTilt = Math.asin( capApothem / faceHeight );
var capSagitta = capRadius - capApothem;
var sideTilt = Math.asin( capSagitta / faceHeight );
var sideHeight = Math.sqrt( faceHeight*faceHeight - capSagitta*capSagitta );
// var colorWheel = [ eggplant, garnet, orange, gold, yellow ];
[ -1, 1 ].forEach( function( ySide ) {
var capColors = {
'-1': [ garnet, gold, yellow, gold, orange ],
1: [ gold, garnet, eggplant, garnet, orange ],
}[ ySide ];
var sideColors = {
'-1': [ garnet, gold, yellow, orange, garnet ],
1: [ gold, garnet, eggplant, orange, orange ],
}[ ySide ];
for ( var i=0; i < 5; i++ ) {
var rotor = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: isocahedron,
rotate: { y: TAU/5 * -i },
translate: { y: sideHeight/2 * ySide },
var capRotateX = -capTilt;
var isYPos = ySide > 0;
capRotateX += isYPos ? TAU/2 : 0;
var capAnchor = new Zdog.Anchor({
addTo: rotor,
translate: { z: capApothem * ySide },
rotate: { x: capRotateX },
// cap face
var face = new Zdog.Polygon({
sides: 3,
radius: faceRadius,
addTo: capAnchor,
translate: { y: -faceRadius/2 },
stroke: false,
fill: true,
color: capColors[i],
// backface: false,
var sideRotateX = -sideTilt;
sideRotateX += isYPos ? 0 : TAU/2;
var sideAnchor = capAnchor.copy({
rotate: { x: sideRotateX },
addTo: sideAnchor,
translate: { y: -faceRadius/2 },
rotate: { y: TAU/2 },
color: sideColors[i]
// -- animate --- //
var keyframes = [
{ x: 0, y: 0 },
{ x: 0, y: TAU },
{ x: TAU, y: TAU },
var ticker = 0;
var cycleCount = 180;
var turnLimit = keyframes.length - 1;
function animate() {
requestAnimationFrame( animate );
function update() {
if ( isSpinning ) {
var progress = ticker / cycleCount;
var tween = Zdog.easeInOut( progress % 1, 4 );
var turn = Math.floor( progress % turnLimit );
var keyA = keyframes[ turn ];
var keyB = keyframes[ turn + 1 ];
viewRotation.x = Zdog.lerp( keyA.x, keyB.x, tween );
viewRotation.y = Zdog.lerp( keyA.y, keyB.y, tween );
solids.forEach( function( solid ) {
solid.rotate.set( viewRotation );
// ----- inputs ----- //
var dragStartRX, dragStartRY;
new Zdog.Dragger({
startElement: illoElem,
onDragStart: function() {
isSpinning = false;
dragStartRX = viewRotation.x;
dragStartRY = viewRotation.y;
onDragMove: function( pointer, moveX, moveY ) {
viewRotation.x = dragStartRX - ( moveY / displaySize * TAU );
viewRotation.y = dragStartRY - ( moveX / displaySize * TAU );